Male Breast Reduction for Gynecomastia
in Seattle, Bellevue and Tacoma
Gynecomastia refers to an enlargement of the male breast. In true
gynecomastia, breast enlargement is due to an increase in the glandular
breast tissue (mammary tissue). In pseudogynecomastia, excess adipose
tissue is the cause of the enlarged breast, and this is marked by the
diffuse fatty tissue infiltration of the breast & axillary (armpit)
areas. Many cases of gynecomastia have both glandular and adipose
components. Although gynecomastia may be the result of hormonal or
environmental changes, most cases occur without a clearly defined cause.
Approximately 30% of men are affected
by gynecomastia, making this a common condition. Pubertal gynecomastia
is usually evident by the ages of 10 to 12 in boys. While 30-60% of
all young boys suffer from large male breasts, many of these cases will
regress within 18 months. However, those adolescents and adults who
have persistent gynecomastia may suffer from significant psychological
and emotional distress. Having large breasts as a young male often
results in teasing from peers, resulting in avoidance behavior which may
persist into adulthood. Specific behaviors may include wearing tight
undershirts to compress the breasts, hiding the chest in public,
avoidance of activities such as swimming, and withdrawal from others.
Treatment of gynecomastia mainly consists
of male breast reduction surgery. After a thorough evaluation, the
appropriate timing of surgery will be determined. Adolescents do not
necessarily need to wait to be treated. Adult males with gynecomastia
often wish they had been treated sooner so that they could have enjoyed
the activities that they previously avoided because of their large
General Procedure
The male breast reduction procedure
generally takes approximately 1-2 hours but may vary depending on the
complexity of the case. A tiny incision is made at the border of the
areola and tumescent solution containing saline, lidocaine (for
numbing), and epinephrine (to control bleeding) is infused. Liposuction
is then performed using small cannulas to remove the excess fatty
tissue of the breast. For some gynecomastia cases, liposuction is all
that is required. For those cases that have a glandular component, the
excess breast tissue will be dissected and removed through the same
small incision used for the liposuction. The underlying pectoralis
muscle is not disturbed. After removal of the fat and glandular tissue
of the breast, the chest muscles will appear more defined. Generally,
no drains are needed. The small incision is closed with an absorbable
suture that will dissolve on its own so that no stitches need to be
Recovery Period
Swelling, bruising, and discomfort are
a normal part of the recovery process and can be controlled with
medications. A compressive garment, which will help control swelling
and bruising, will be worn for approximately 4 weeks after surgery.
Patients can return to light activities and work after 3-5 days, and
full activity, including exercise, may be resumed after 4 weeks.
If you suffer from gynecomastia, male
breast reduction surgery may significantly improve your appearance and
self-image. Through tiny incisions, excess fat and breast tissue are
removed, resulting in a flatter, firmer chest.